...the 60ties mood, the make-up, the psychedelic prints...
L'Enfer is a film directed, written and produced by Henri-Georges Clouzot, which remained unfinished in 1964. It was presented in 2009 as a full-length semi-documentary by Serge Bromberg. Clouzot selected the title as an allusion to Dante's 'Inferno' , and the names Odette and Marcel refer to characters in Marcel Proust's novel 'À la recherche du temps perdu'.
The film depicts the exteme jealousy of a hotelier, Marcel (Serge Reggiani, then 42 years old) towards his wife Odette (Romy Schneider, then 26 year old).
L'Enfer is a film directed, written and produced by Henri-Georges Clouzot, which remained unfinished in 1964. It was presented in 2009 as a full-length semi-documentary by Serge Bromberg. Clouzot selected the title as an allusion to Dante's 'Inferno' , and the names Odette and Marcel refer to characters in Marcel Proust's novel 'À la recherche du temps perdu'.
The film depicts the exteme jealousy of a hotelier, Marcel (Serge Reggiani, then 42 years old) towards his wife Odette (Romy Schneider, then 26 year old).